We build software to get you on Urbit as fast as possible.

Run it on one of our devices or build your own. We just want you on the network.

Turn nearly any device into a dedicated Urbit Server! This open-source software makes self-hosting Urbit easy and convenient, so you can own your data and keep the network decentralized. Pair GroundSeg with StarTram (our purpose-built networking backend for home-hosted Urbit ships) and access your ship from anywhere.

The Full GroundSeg Manual can be found here: https://manual.groundseg.app/
If you need help setting up your Native Planet device, Instructions are here:

There are two ways to run GroundSeg:


Install GroundSeg on an existing Linux machine by copying this into a command line:
sudo wget -O - get.groundseg.app|bash

Colony OS
Create a dedicated Urbit hosting device by flashing Native Planet’s Colony OS to any x86 machine capable of running Linux.
Download: Colony OS ISO

The default password for all Native Planet software is “nativeplanet”

Once installed, GroundSeg will automatically run in the background of Linux or Colony. To access the GroundSeg UI, use a device that is connected to the same network and navigate to nativeplanet.local in your browser. Here you’ll find the GroundSeg control screen that allows you to boot a new planet, migrate an old one, and manage your Urbit.

This software runs as root on your device. This is required for controlling various aspects of the hardware. We highly recommend you use a dedicated host device for running GroundSeg and hosting your Urbit.

- x86_64 or ARM64 Linux with systemd

- At least 6GB RAM recommended

ISO Authenticity
MD5 Hash: 01ab197323cd4671593f22b561acd0d0
Hash URL: https://md5.colony.groundseg.app/

Additional documentation

Find more documentation and instructions in the GroundSeg manual.

Don’t have an extra computer laying around? We make Urbit dedicated devices with GroundSeg pre-installed.

StarTram is Native Planet’s custom networking stack that lets you access a GroundSeg-hosted Urbit on your home network from any internet connected device. If DIY is more your thing, self-host our open source Anchor software with your own VPS and custom domain.

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